Executive Message / Strategy

Framework Trust

Head Office

57 Market Road
Epsom, Auckland
P.O. Box 99653, Newmarket

Tel.  09 523 2790
Fax. 09 523 2149

Executive Strategy

The Framework vision statement “Recovery through Partnership” guides us, as it recognises the essential components of what we believe:

Recovery as the cornerstone of our work is an ongoing individual journey, an outcome of restoring a positive sense of self, a meaningful sense of belonging, while actively self managing mental illness, and rebuilding life, and actively contributing within the community.

Partnership is the fundamental relationship between consumers, their family and Framework staff that is characterized by mutual co-operation and responsibility, and is vital for the attainment of recovery.


Dr Colin Hayes
Chief Executive Officer

I believe Framework is on the right path. We are championing first-rate, receptive services that challenge the ordinary.  This is so that people with mental health/intellectual disability problems can maintain or rebuild valuable and satisfying lives within and beyond the limits imposed by their difficulties.

Framework has adopted Charles Rapp’s Strengths Model as a foundation for our work.  This has been the most significant organisation wide training and service delivery initiative that Framework has ever instituted.  Internationally, the Strengths Model is a “best practice” approach in the mental health sector.

Respecting and celebrating the uniqueness of the individual helps both the consumer and Framework staff to identify, use, build upon and reinforce inherent strengths the consumer possesses.  By using the Strengths Model people are successful in living by using their strengths to attain their aspirations and goals.

At Framework we value:

  • Demonstrating integrity
  • Valuing diversity
  • Working collaboratively
  • Striving for excellence
  • Communicating effectively
  • Financial sustainability
  • Environmental responsibility
  • Embracing Aroha


For all of us in New Zealand these are undoubtedly challenging times. At Framework we have a positive view of the future as we strive to provide high quality services and exploring new directions, to have our mission, vision and values at the heart of our strategy, and to make a difference for those who experience mental illness and intellectual disabilities.

I am confident that Framework will, through working in partnership with people and utilising their strengths, have a wide range of services that places individuals and families at its core, that fosters resilience and recovery, and, through culturally effective supports, enables individuals with mental illness to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities.